© 2016 NEWSODN Compagnia di Maria Nostra Signora
  • Mercredi, 22 Janvier 2025
  • Saint Vincent, diacre et martyr

90 years

Provincia del Pacífico

To celebrate 90 years of history gives us the possibility of looking to the past with an attitude of gratitude, recognizing that God has walked with us; that from his hand, events have been developing by which we have been building the present, while dreaming of the future.

These 90 years of the Company of Mary’s evangelizing and educational presence in the United States have been made possible by the unconditional and joyful dedication of the many women who have found in Jesus the meaning of their life and have consecrated their existence to serve with joy where God has called them. We acknowledge with sincere appreciation the generosity of their families who have encouraged and supported these sisters in their faithful response to God’s call. 

This history is also the fruit of a multitude of laypersons, collaborators, families, and friends, with whom we have shared our charism and our mission. We cherish the companionship, friendship, and collaboration that we have always found in them.

Today, we thank God for the history that is created in community within which we feel closely united with so many persons who are and feel themselves: Company of Mary.