© 2016 NEWSODN Compagnia di Maria Nostra Signora
  • Miércoles, 18 Septiembre 2024
  • Santa Sofía / Santa Irene

Saint Jeanne De Lestonnac School, Temecula, Receives Awards

Provincia del Pacífico

The celebration of Catholic Schools Week, January 28 - February 1, concluded with the presentation of special awards to Catholic school personnel in our Diocese.  A distinguished volunteer award went to Mr. Rob Crisell for his teaching of Shakespeare to Saint Jeanne students for several years now. The distinguished teacher award went to a longtime teacher, Mrs. Wendy Bombard.

SETON HOPE AWARE.  This award was presented to an individual who has made exceptional financial contributions to Catholic school education. The award is named after St. Elizabeth Ann Seton who established the Catholic school network in the United States.

A very special award was presented to Mrs. Annette Zaleski, principal of Saint Jeanne de Lestonnac High School.  The Saint Thomas Aquinas Award acknowledges a courageous educator who demonstrates an enthusiasm for learning. Annette serves as the first principal of the newly initiated Company of Mary high school in the United States. She imbues the charism of the Company of Mary’s educational project.