We only gather and store the name, personal addresses (work or email), telephone numbers or other data of a personal nature that is voluntarily sent by the user, and only, for the specific purposes for which it is required.
We guarantee confidentiality regarding all the personal information to which we have access to as a consequence of your registration to NewsODN.
We will only access the personal information registered when it is necessary to solicit any service related to NewsODN. The information obtained and that which is acquired as a consequence of this service are needed for the development, control, management and realization of the transactions solicited and are placed in appropriate files.
The persons responsible for the files, as well as those who intervene in whatever phase of the transaction, are restricted to the strictest professional secrecy with a special commitment to adopt levels of protection and the necessary means, both technical and organizational, to guarantee the security of the personal information and avoid their alteration, misuse, loss, theft, transaction or unauthorized access.
Finally, NEWSODN guarantees that the files and programs, as well as the equipment and locales that intervene in the transaction of the registered information, comply with the requirements of integrity and security established in the norms current at each moment.