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  • Thursday, April 18, 2024
  • St. Eleutherius

“I have chosen you”

Shuquin Xiao, odn, participated in the celebration of the canonization of John XXIII and John Paul II.

May 2014 | Shuqin Xiao, odn | Experiences

Rome, and thousands of people throughout the world, prepare themselves for the celebration of the canonization of Popes John XXIII and John Paul II, a very important ecclesial event. There is no way I could have ever imagined that I would be able to participate directly in the celebration. But that was not the case. I received an invitation to say a petition in Chinese…

After the initial impact and surprise, I reflected within myself. The first thought that came to my mind was to give someone else the opportunity; they would surely feel great joy. Since I left China, the following Word of the Lord has inspired me: “do nothing out of egoism, rather with humility. Consider others as superior to yourself.” “心德 - 让别人显得高人一等, 要一点含蓄,要一点谦逊; 欣赏德 - 使别人拥有优越感.”

Allow other persons to be first and also avoid appearing in public. I have tried to live by this thought. Afterwards I felt that this invitation was a gift, a grace, not only for me, but for the entire Company of Mary and I felt great peace and joy. The words of the Lord came to me: “I have chosen you.”
Therefore, with great tranquility, thinking that in this celebration Shuqin was not going to say a prayer on her own, but Shuquin a Chinese sister of the Company of Mary, with a heart filled with the struggles and hopes of her people and, feeling accompanied by Mary, our companion on the journey, I prepared myself little by little for this special day.

In the celebration of the canonization, I felt a great harmony with the words of the Holy Father in his homily: “the wounds of Jesus are a scandal, stumbling block for faith, but they are also a proof of the faith. They are the permanent sign of God’s love for us. John XXIII and John Paul II were not scandalized by them, by his cross; they gave witness to God’s goodness, his mercy…”

I gradually prepared myself to celebrate this opportunity with depth, and beyond the emotion, this mystery of our Lord. I, once again, strongly felt the call to collaborate with him in this world that is in such need of love and peace, and the prayer burst forth from my heart:
“Through the intercession of Saint John XXIII, deliver from the spiral of hate and violence, Oh Lord, the thoughts and decisions of the leaders of nations and may the resurrected and living Jesus triumph in human relations.”


I feel that the Lord has given me the gift of experiencing in a new way the universality of the Church and my identity as Company of Mary.

Because “you chose me” THANK YOU.

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Vídeo Celebración por la canonización de los papas Juan XXIII y Juan Pablo II (oración de Shuquin Xiao en el minuto 1:18:21 - 1:18:54):



9 Comentarios

MariPaz says:
¡Qué emoción! Gracias Shuqin Xiao por tu compartir y tu testimonio. El corazón, cargado de nombres, vivencias, luchas y búsquedas de un Pueblo, de una Iglesia y de una Vocación. Todo, en las manos de Dios. Ánimo y un abrazo grande, Mari Paz
Mari Paz says:
¡Qué emoción! Gracias Shuqin Xiao por tu compartir y tu testimonio. El corazón, cargado de nombres, vivencias, luchas y búsquedas de un Pueblo, de una Iglesia y de una Vocación. Todo, en las manos de Dios. Ánimo y un abrazo grande, Mari Paz
Belnda says:
Oi, Shuqin, Fiquei muito orgulhosa pela sua participação nesta celebração e pelas suas singelas e lindas palavras. Representou muito bem os chineses! Um grande abraço.
Javier, sj says:
Querida Shuqin, ¡qué bonito! Me ha gustado mucho leer tu testimonio y tu vivencia de la celebración, como religiosa china. Sí, el Señor te hizo llegar esta gran vivencia, que es para agradecer mucho. Yo estaba en la Plaza, qué bonito fue, escuchar en chino una petición por una compañera de espiritualidad como tú. Un abrazo y oración.
Cdad San Fernando says:
Hemos leído en comunidad tu experiencia. También te vimos con mucha ilusión en la celebración. Gracias por hacernos vivir este momento con gran intensidad. Damos gracias a Dios por tu vida y le rogamos a María Nuestra Señora que te acompañe siempre. Un abrazo La comunidad de San Fernando (Cádiz) España
Marta Bolivar says:
Oi, Shushuzinha querida !!! Li seu artigo e gostei taaaanto!!! Muito bonito e significativo! Imagino como terá se encantado na celebração destes dois grandes Homens, maravilhosos, santos, que fizeram diferença no nosso mundo e tudo que terá carregado ali no seu lindo coração! Tanta história e gente... Um beijo grande e obrigada!!!
Edinéia says:
Querida Shuqin, fiquei muito emocionada com sua participação nessa celebração. Muitas bênçãos para você e todo povo chinês.
Erika says:
En Medellín estuvimos muy atentas a tu participación en esta celebración tan especial. Gracias por compartir tu experiencia, esto nos une y nos hace sentir que el regalo de participar en este evento y de otros por parte de cualquier hermana de la Compañia, no es para si mismas. Son la oportunidad de hacer visible una Compañía universal. Un abrazo
Nilce says:
Shuquin, eu vi você ao vivo. Estava chegando em BH e, assim que cheguei em São Bernardo, começou as preces. Fiquei feliz por sua experiência e por representar a Companhia e seu povo nesse grande celebração. Um grande abraço!
